Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sick of being sick

I rarely ever get sick. So last week as my roomate starts to come down with a pretty bad cough, I begin to worry about even catching a little bit of it. As it turns out, I do. About a week ago is when the cough started, wasn't too bad, but I worried considering that the last time I had this bad of a cough was a year ago and now I'm falling into the same trap. Not only does it start off with this vicious cough that only starts to get worse, but now my nose is constantly running by the end of the week :/. So ok, all I can think to myself is, "This is a small cold. You barely get sick. Sure, it's getting a little worse, but by the end of this week it should be gone, right?". Wrong. Easter weekend is coming up and I'm visiting family I haven't seen in a month. Great. As I continue to get worse, now I'm gonna have to energize myself up to spending time with the family and also visiting a close friend; not a good time to be this sick when it's supposed to be a cheery weekend, right? So by the time I come back to Seattle early Monday morning, I realize that I will not be able to funtion properly to get up for school on only 2 hours (if I'm lucky) of sleep. Ugh, even sleeping in a little I still feel horrible. To get to my's Wednesday, still sick, getting a little better, same symptoms, cloudy day, blah mood...I.Want.This.Cold.To.End. But on the other hand...I must say that I'm looking forward to, what so far, seems to be a sunny weekend! That always brightens up my mood :)


  1. My name is Abner T. Richet....If I were in your position, I would definitely stay home and take care of that cold. I can understand family members and friends are very important to us and not too mention the Easter weekend which happend to be Risen of our Dear Redeamer. All I want to bring to your attention is that your health comes first, without your health your health will not be able to please friends and family members....I most certainly hope you stayed home and take care of that cough that weekend.

    Abnet T. Richet

  2. My name is Abner T. Richet....If I were in your position, I would definitely stay home and take care of that cold. I can understand family members and friends are very important to us and not too mention the Easter weekend which happend to be the Risen of our Dear Redeamer. All I want to bring to your attention is that your health comes first, without your health, your family members and friends will not be able to be pleased by you....I most certainly hope you stayed home and take care of that cough that weekend.

    Abnet T. Richet
